Walking helps control your weight and improves back aches!
“I can’t walk that fast and type so why should I get a treadmill desk? I can’t walk fast enough to get any benefit!” Sound familiar? It is one of the biggest concerns of the treadmill desk curious. Will I get any benefit by strolling along?
Burn More Calories with Slow Paced Walking
The University of Colorado at Boulder set out to answer that exact question. They found that you will burn MORE calories by walking at 2 mph than you will if you walk at 3 or 4 mph. Their theory is that by walking slowly you lose the benefit of momentum. Your muscles are solely responsible for your movement. At faster speeds, you can leverage the momentum of your last step.
Burn More Fat with Slow Paced Walking
While breaking a sweat feels good, a University of Michigan study that compared fast and slow paced walkers over a 30 week period found that participants who walked at a faster pace actually gained some fat reserves at the 15 week mark and then it started to taper off by the 30 week check in. While the slow paced walkers had a steady rate of fat loss throughout the entire study and ended up losing more body fat over the course of the study.
Your Back Pain is Likely from Sitting Too Long
Did you know that poor posture and prolonged sitting are the 2 main causes of lower back pain? Sitting all day at your desk may seem like a relief from back pain but it is simply exacerbating the problem. The results of a new study done by Macquarie University found that “adults with a history of low back pain went nearly twice as long without a recurrence of their back pain if they walked regularly”. Getting up every so often may be impractical given the amount of meetings you need to sit through and the number of emails piling up while you go out for a walk.
RiseEight Desk Transforms Your Treadmill into a Walking Workstation
RiseEight Desk is the perfect way to modify your existing treadmill into a slow paced, calorie burning machine that will actually help your back feel better! Now you can shed those pounds while conquering spreadsheets!
Order yours fast so that you can walk slow!
University of Michigan, Science Daily, University of Colorado at Boulder