Walking improves your mood and concentration!

Work is rarely a day full of rainbows, butterflies, and "WOW you are amazing" from your boss.  There is that meeting where your ideas weren't accepted.  The project that just isn't going the way you planned.  The roadblock that won't budge.  Every day can throw you curves.  Going for a walk - even in your drab basement on your treadmill - can help you handle all of these situations! 

Walking Puts You in a Better Mood

Walking, as opposed to sitting or standing, “will almost certainly result in increased feelings of pleasant energy. And that’s true whether you expect this to occur or not,” says Jeff Miller, Ph.D., lead researcher and a visiting professor of psychology at Saint Xavier University.  In the study Dr. Miller is referencing, they had participants watch a pretty drab informational movie and then half simply walked on a treadmill facing a blank wall while the other half remained seated.  Even without getting outside or seeing a change of scenery, the walking group had elevated energy and engaged state of mind.   They exhibited feelings such as interest, alertness, joy, excitement, and enthusiasm!

Walking Can be More Effective than Anti-Depressants

If walking can increase your mood, can it also replace certain anti-depressants?  According to several studies, including one from Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the answer is 'yes'!  
"We saw a 26% decrease in odds for becoming depressed," says study author Karmel Choi.  "This increase in physical activity is what you might see on your activity tracker if you replaced one hour of sitting with one hour of moderate activity like brisk walking." 
In addition, a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that "physical activity is 1.5 times more effective at reducing mild-to-moderate symptoms of depression, psychological stress, and anxiety than medication or cognitive behavior therapy" according to the study's lead author, Dr. Ben Singh.
It seems that walking can be a first line defense against depression.  We are not doctors and cannot recommend a health treatment plan but the research suggests adding walking to your current routine may help!  

Walking Increases Focus, Engagement and Problem Solving 

Wharton Executive Education studies some of the most effective leaders and decision makers in an attempt to find patterns that we can all use.  They found that for the most productive executives "walking was a condition of their work".

"The benefits of walking meetings, walking breaks, and even short walks around the office or on a treadmill include sharpening the mind, dispelling doubt and procrastination, releasing beneficial endorphins, and encouraging inspiration and creativity.  Leading decision makers are increasingly recognizing that not only are walking and working compatible, but that walking actually improves business outcomes."

Stuck on a problem?  Go for a walk! 

RiseEight Desk Paired with Your Treadmill Makes You Happier and More Focused

In less than 30 seconds, you can be up and walking on your treadmill at home with your ergonomically designed RiseEight Desk. It can help you work through a conundrum or simply help you to feel better while listening to (or giving) the company all-hands video meeting.  
Focus on the positives and get yours today!



Psychology Today, Medical News Today, British Journal of Sports MedicineHarvard, Wharton